11 reasons why you should consider CBD Oil for your dog

Ther are many ways CBD oil. may help dogs

Wondering if CBD Oil is an option for your dog’s health concerns? There are many ways CBD may help.


Anxiety is a common ailment suffered by dogs and can be experienced in a plethora of forms. From separation anxiety when you leave the house to noise-phobia induced by loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms, there are many scenarios where dogs can experience heightened levels of stress.

Thankfully, the advent of medicinal cannabis treatment for anxiety in humans has created the opportunity for the same remedy to be provided for our furry friends.

There is little research directly on the effects of CBD oil for anxiety in pets. However, over the past few years, lawmakers around the world have given major medicinal cannabis companies more freedom to explore how CBD may reduce anxiety in dogs.

This freedom has opened the door to research in humans and other preclinical investigations which have shown CBD oil may reduce feelings of anxiety and symptoms of PTSD. This is due to its interactions with receptors in the brain and central nervous system that modulate hormones and signals related to anxiety and fear responses.

Similarly, CBD oil may reduce the expression of anxiety in dogs such as barking, whining, noise phobias, separation anxiety, pacing, and other signs of distress or discomfort.


Osteoarthritis is a type of joint disease that results from breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone. The most common symptoms are joint pain and stiffness. Dogs are the most common animals to suffer from Osteoarthritis, especially in their later years, with up to 20% of dogs over the age of one being diagnosed with the condition. Although there is no cure for this progressive condition, the anti-inflammatory properties in CBD oil may be used to treat painful arthritic conditions in dogs.

A recent study evaluating different doses and formulation of CBD in dogs showed it could potentially have positive benefits for osteoarthritis. Across a 4-week clinical trial, 20 large dogs took part in a randomised placebo-controlled study.

The trial measured signs and factors associated with pain and mobility – neither vets nor pet owners were aware of the dosage type administered to their patients.

The dogs received either a placebo, 20mg CBD(0.5mg/kg/d), 50mg CBD (1.2mg/kg/d) or 20mg of liposomal encapsulated CBD. The liposomal dose allowed for increased bioavailability and absorption.

The placebo and low CBD showed no significant changes. Yet those dogs taking liposomal CBD or the higher dose of CBD exhibited significant improvement both to their mobility and quality of life.

Also, when assessed two weeks after the CBD dose was ceased, these same positive benefits appeared to be maintained. Researchers attribute this to the CBD treatment not only being symptomatic but also addressing underlying inflammation at the root of the Osteoarthritis.


Seizures are one of the most frequently reported neurological conditions in dogs. Epileptic seizures are brought on by a temporary disturbance of normal brain function and are typically characterised by convulsions and fits.

A 12 week trial was conducted recently which observed dogs taking CBD oil experiencing a 33% reduction in seizures. From this study, a relationship was observed between seizure frequency and plasma CBD levels. Additionally, dogs with higher concentrations of CBD in blood plasma exhibited fewer seizures, suggesting a higher dose may provide better outcomes.

This data correlates with research in humans which also supports the notion that higher doses of CBD often provides better results in terms of seizure frequency.

Ther are many ways CBD oil. may help dogs


Besides helping with pain caused by inflammation, there is evidence to suggest that CBD oil can be used to alleviate general aches and pains. Unlike some traditional pain medicine for dogs, CBD has no life-threatening side effects.

‘It doesn’t damage the kidney, liver, or GI tract,’ explained one vet in and article for PetMD, ‘the dogs aren’t high or sedated.’

Unlike THC, which is a phytocannabinoid known for its narcotic effects, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties and is better suited for remedial treatment.


Dogs are playful animals by nature and, as a result, often suffer from allergies, rashes, and dry skin from all the scratching and rolling around. Chronic scratching can lead to microdermabrasion and deterioration of your fur baby’s skin barrier.

CBD oil has antioxidant properties that can be utilised as a remedy for these skin issues. CBD oil helps reduce both skin inflammation and stress, which can help prevent your dog from scratching and unintentionally causing greater trauma to sensitive areas.

If your dog is scratching more than usual or develops a rash or infection, it’s also a good idea to schedule an appointment with your vet to have them checked out.


CBD oil has been known to benefit dogs suffering from nausea. Many chronic health conditions, made worse with heavy-duty medications, come with nausea as a side effect.

If that’s not bad enough, nausea has been known to snowball into even more detrimental health problems such as anorexia.

Whether caused by illness or treatment of illness, anorexia in dogs is a real issue; particularly in older dogs. Thankfully, CBD can be used as a remedy for this ailment as well.

CBD can stimulate the appetite by increasing sensitivity to the smell and taste of food in dogs, making eating a more rewarding experience for your puppy.


There are several heart health benefits that can be achieved from using products of CBD for dogs, but most notably, CBD can improve cardiac function in dogs with arrhythmia.

CBD has been proven to act as an antiarrhythmic in animals when it is administered following the use of a CB1 receptor antagonist (AM-251).

Diminishing the presence of arrhythmia subsequently lowers the frequency of cardiac events and improves blood flow to major organs in canines.

Ther are many ways CBD oil. may help dogs


Like humans, dogs are highly susceptible to allergic reactions. Anything in their environments from foods, plants, and danders to medications, insects, and grass can trigger these reactions.

CBD oil not only helps ease pain and irritation caused by the allergy – it also boosts your dog’s immune system, which reduces the allergy symptoms caused by your dog’s body trying to defend itself from the outside world.


Although not enough research has been conducted to determine whether or not CBD can be used as an effective treatment for cancer itself, it has been frequently utilised as a means to treat the symptoms associated with the disease and common treatments (chemo/radiotherapy).

CBD can be a good secondary treatment for the pain or discomfort caused by cancer or for a dog undergoing painful chemotherapy or other treatment.


If your dog is having trouble relaxing or falling asleep, a small dose of CBD oil is an effective way to help them rest in peace.

Whether their restlessness is due to illness, pain, or anxiety, CBD oil may help. That’s because it regulates serotonin, relaxes the body, and encourages overall immune health, which is sure to help your pup sleep through the night.


Lastly, and importantly, you will be pleased to know, CBD is considered a low-risk medication 

Initial research into the safety of CBD oil in cats and dogs has shown that dogs can tolerate CBD oil in relatively high doses. While some research shows CBD might affect liver enzyme status, other data suggest changes aren’t clinically significant. Trials of dogs taking CBD oil have identified diarrhea as a common side effect but this downside can easily be remedied by adjusting the dosage. It is generally concluded that side effects from CBD are within acceptable ranges.

If you are considering CBD Oil for your dog, contact your local vet and refer then to CBD Vets Australia.  Prescribing online is simple!  Any questions feel free to get in touch at [email protected]

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